4 Must Have Twitter Analytics Tools To Improve Your Ad Performance On Twitter.

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No one can deny the fact that the social media platforms have a much greater influence on the people and also a great place to advertise your brand and create brand awareness.

In this session, we will particularly talk about the Twitter marketing trends and the kind of influence Twitter has on the audience. It currently has 330 millions active monthly users in its goal post. So imagine the power of a platform which contains this much users.

So if you are also planning to advertise on this platform which is growing by leaps and bounds then you must go through these 4 Twitter analytic tools which will analyze the activities of your Twitter account.

It is a platform from where you can get loyal customers and hence you can increase your sales revenue by just analyzing your account every month. Stats really help in improving and building the future strategies to generate the sales revenue.

 You have to analyze yourself and make your strategies accordingly as Twitter daily interacts with the users in a different way and so does it, users. The users of this platform connect with the brands in different and vital ways.

Now you will think what is this “Twitter Analytic” thing is? Let me explain it to you in a simple way! To put it simply Twitter Analytics are those of your activities done on this platform such as your Tweets, your followers, the activities of your followers, interactions upon your tweets. This platform uses this kind of data and collects them and shows the performance of an account depending upon this.

So to manage your account properly and to improve the Ad performance on Twitter you must use these 4 analytic tools provided by Twitter to build influential Twitter Marketing Strategy and to create better Ad Campaigns.

The 4 Twitter Analytics tools to see the difference in your Twitter Ads

1. Follower Monk

This feature has been introduced by the Moz and it is a superb tool to track your followers- the gains and the losses. But is not a free toll you have to pay $29 for its use. You can go through the list of your followers and you can analyze the data depending on your settings of max 60 days. This will help you to know where you are lacking. You have to work upon to increase the followers so that you and your brand reach the maximum number of audience.

2. Twitter Analytic tools

This includes the sub tools such as Twitter Analytics Dashboard, Assistant by Union metrics, and Twitonomy. These tools will help you to build the relationship with your followers. These will provide the data such as your top Tweet, your best follower, your top mention, detailed overview of your followers, stats of your account, through interesting demographics. Through this, you can create new data-based tweets and you can keep tabs on your engagement and many more things.

3. Another powerful tool- Klear!

This platform is full of active users and as we know the stats of the monthly users of Twitter, there are many influencers present on the platform of every niche. So if you want to find the influencers of a particular niche you can use this tool, it provides the best results.

4. Use Tweepsmap to know more about your followers

This tool provides the data of your followers who are likely to respond to your ad and see it. Plus it provides the map-driven analytics through which you can see what can be targeted at that particular location hence it will help you to build the stronger Twitter Marketing strategies that to location based.

So here you go! Get started with these tools to maximize your sales revenue through Twitter Ads.