Some Myths about Online Learning

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  • Evolution of Online Learning

As our country has transformed digitally, it has an enormous effect on the economy of the country. Not even one sector has been untouched by its effects. Digitization has led to the new revolution of online dealing. Digitization has its effect on each and every industry and our education industry too is not unaffected.  Every other thing is available online and then a question strikes our mind- why can’t we transform our education system into online learning? Or why these two cannot co-exist?

The answer to the above questions lies in our understanding. The concept of online learning emerged because some parents find out that their children are not meant for the traditional classroom learning or maybe they too have realized this. Plus it is not the only reason for the emergence of online learning. Every student is unique in itself and probably the online learning method takes care of every student and teaches them according to their requirements rather than teaching a bunch of cows where traditional teachers will give their attention according to the average class needs. This is the biggest advantage of online learning that even students who have special abilities or have bullied by the much stronger students feel comfortable which eventually lead to the genesis of online learning.

  • Contemplating what exactly is virtual learning?

Virtual learning is just as opposed to the traditional learning methods where 40-50 students sit together in a classroom. Virtual learning is completely computer based. The literal meaning of virtual is almost or nearly as described, that means near to reality but not reality. Similarly, virtual learning takes place via computers, mobile phones and tablets etc after internet revolution where teachers are not physically present but they are communicating through electronic mediums (e-mails, Skype, chat etc.) and they can keep track of their students by providing ids to the students.

Many people are against this online education system saying it’s not as effective as the traditional methods but if virtual learning is so terrible then why don’t the statistics show it?

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Here are some myths about virtual learning:

  • Myth 1: It will decrease the demand for teachers.

This is partially not true. We are talking about online learning, not about robotic learning where robots will teach which significantly will lead to decrease in demand for teachers. Teachers are in demand for online universities as well and that’s completely a lie.

  • Myth 2: The quality of learning will be compromised.

As online learning teach its students according to their needs and there are only limited students present in one batch which will lead to more efficient learning of the students as compared that of traditional learning.

  • Myth 3:  Reliability and the credibility of the online learning.

Many people question the credibility of the online system. Whether a student has given its exams or projects by themselves or has just cheated! The online learning system has its own ways to test the plagiarism and the reliability of the projects submitted far better than the traditional ways

  • Myth 4: Lack of Connectivity between the students and teachers.

Due to the virtual medium it is difficult to maintain a personal bond with teachers and instructors but hasn’t our lives are digitally transformed due to the social networking sites? People spend more time on virtual mediums than making real bonds. Moreover, the connectivity of the students and the teachers are maintained by calls, video chat or through a message.

Whatever we say or think about the virtual learning, but it is growing by leaps and bounds and many more students are becoming comfortable and familiar with it.