Online Delivery in Just 30 Minutes at Your Doorstep!

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Amazon is a leading online e-commerce site which basically has everything we need. Amazon has revolutionized the e-commerce business. Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos had also become the world’s richest man for few seconds. The way online e-commerce sites have emerged and challenged the traditional way of business with brilliancy have also given rise to the competition between the methods of business. Amazon by providing each and everything under one roof within affordable prices has challenged and struck the traditional way of business. Online business has given the leniency of providing the products at the doorsteps of the users which saves a lot of time of the users while the traditional way commerce consumes a lot more time. Customers can buy products from the e-commerce sites without physically moving anywhere and anytime. It is very easy to find a favorite product with much lesser time with the help of e-commerce.

The rags to riches story!

Once upon a time, the founder of Amazon used to sell books in a book garage. Digitization has given these persons a golden chance to prove themselves. Jeff Bezos wanted to create a different world for the consumers and that is reflected itself in the name of his e-commerce site which is Amazon. Amazon was a place in Greek mythology which is known to be exotic and different. Jeff Bezos started his journey as an online bookstore e-commerce site and current5ly it is the biggest and has set a benchmark in online business by introducing new technologies. The site now deals practically deals in everything.   

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 The Amazon Prime-Air

Amazon has recently introduced a new technology to deliver its products revolutionizing the whole online business industry. Amazon prime-Air delivers products within 30 minutes at the doorsteps of the consumers and currently, this facility is available in rural areas of United States. This can be proved as one of the divine strategies in online business to attract millions of customers and providing them the delivery rapidly saving their time.

Fall in Love with Amazon drone delivery

  •    It is a prime device which will deliver the products weighing 5 pounds or less through the drone within 30 minutes or in less time in the rural areas.
  •    It will be the fastest medium of delivery in the history of online business as no the online shopping site has provided this facility.
  •    Live tracking system, consumers can track the drone’s location to find where it has reached yet and in what time the product will be reached.
  •    With one click your order will be delivered to you by the drones which will work automatically without any pilots just operating on GPS.
  •    This service will really prove as a breakthrough for consumers who are desperately in need of some particular product.

Actually, a great device isn’t it?  Its first trial had happened in Cambridge which was quite successful. We are eagerly waiting for this technology to reach in India.