Digital marketing becomes the powerful garage for online technology because it is offering best class result and output in the internet marketing. One side each and everyone is getting best class digital marketing techniques and another side, day by day these digital technologies are going to strong. These rapid changes are accepting each and every business and we talk about the myriad factors that are changing the face of digital marketing that’s why, Today we are presenting top 7 important and useful changes in digital marketing industry where readers can read about the changes of digital marketing strategies, Search engine optimization, social media network, content marketing and strategy, Google Adsense and also paid to advertise like Google Adwords and Facebook advertising. Just follow below mention steps for 7 top treading changes in Digital marketing world.
Content marketing strategy-:
Content marketing is playing an essential role in digital marketing strategies where content is a king for digital marketing but last few years, there was come a dramatic change in content strategy. For SEO friendly content, users would be used the long tail keyword for best SEO and content should not be copied or duplicate. In the case of Google, keyword density should be 2-3% for whole content. In 2014, Google Panda algorithm has come with various changes where Google panda algorithm has given some applicable guidelines for the content writing for SEO.
WhatsApp Business Plan -:
WhatsApp has become a part of social media and now, it is generating best class revenue and customers with some effective efforts. This is totally free of cost and Whatsapp coming with news update and up-gradation that’s why most of the business parts are choosing it with very high level. A survey says an average customer check 170 times per day to the WhatsApp. And check it every 5 minutes.
Brand new (updated) tools by Google-:
Google updates are not consistent that why, Google releases updates on the monthly basis and it has improved dashboard, new SEO techniques, content strategy, customer alerts and various terms and conditions. Google also released new tools such as A/B testing & optimization tools which is combined with Google Analytics.
Behavior checking software-:
Most of the big online shopping websites are using behavior checking software where they want to see the activity of the users on the website and they can plan the further business strategy. Behavior checking software shows the interest of the user and shopping websites provide the recommendations of the same or similar products on other websites.