Incredibly 7 Easy Ways To Grow The E-mail List Rapidly!

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Are you aware of the fact that 3.05 billion people use email to connect with people? Digital marketing was and will always be about establishing the audience. If there is no audience digital marketers will not able to generate the leads. And who wants to leave such a platform which has over 3 billion people waiting to be converted into potential customers.

Most of the internet users have an email id through which they operate. And that is why many companies run email marketing campaigns and they have seen a huge bounce in the number of the leads. Everyone says that “the money is on the list” but I would rather say that the money is n the right kind of subscribers and the quality and it does not depend upon number. Of course, the number of emails will mean more the potential customers but the email marketers have to convert the audience into customers then only it would benefit.

If you want to run a successful email marketing campaigns then you have to have a long and potential list of emails.  There are many trends which will dominate in 2018 for email marketing but the backbone of the email marketing is the EMAIL LIST. And many do not know that they can increase their email list efficiently by 10 simple ways.

If you are one of those who waits for people to subscribe by themselves then you have a completely wrong approach to your customers. You have to attract and compel them, again and again, to subscribe and fill the form.

Here are the 7 ways which will increase your email list

1. The new feature- Exit Intent Pop-Up!

Make the most of this feature as it has just launched. This feature comes when users scroll their mouse to exit your site and this exit pop-up appears awaking your users that they are missing something or have forgotten to subscribe to your site if they have liked it.

2. Engaging submit buttons.

When a survey was done it was found that when these buttons engage with the user in an effective manner then it attracts users. All you need to do is change the color of the background of your button from red to green whenever a user will land on the button. This will require an extra effort but this extra effort will worth it.

3. User-friendly interface to enter the email.

When users come to enter their email address or come to subscribe, there is an automatically filled answer. This will require an extra scripting which will automatically delete the information when a user tries to fill in their details. Provide the user rich experience by saving an inch of time.

4. Provide multiple sign-up forms on your sites.

Provide the user more opportunity to sign up locate your subscription forms on multiple locations and where they are easily seen.

5. Offer something in exchange for their details.

Always offer something extra which only the subscribers will get. For example, give a normal visitor limited access to the features of the site and give the subscribers special features which will compel them to sign-up.

6. Gated content-partial gated or full gated.

Many websites are using this trick which allows the normal visitor only a limited content and they won’t have any access of the content until and they subscribe to your email list and make sure you provide something important and beneficial so that they won’t regret signing up.

7. Use Facebook and Twitter Sign cards.

Add the call to action buttons of “sign up” on the pages of Facebook and on Twitter as well. This will help you get an extra advantage as you will be getting subscribers from the social media as well.

We have compiled the list of the simple ways to increase the email list and you all just need to implement these tricks to get the more email subscribers.